Maps & Statistics - Affordable Care Act
Maps and statistics can be useful for examining data and analyzing trends.
Implementation Resources URL: Features an interactive map that gives detailed information about how each state is affected by the Affordable Care Act. The White House
What Health Reform Mean to Your State URL: An interactive map allowing consumers to explore the effects of the Affordable Care Act state by state. U.S. Census Bureau
Health Insurance Statistics URL: Users can explore data collected by the US Census Bureau in regards to health insurance coverage during the 2010 Census and subsequent American Community Surveys. |
American Constitution Society for Law and Policy
Affordable Care Act URL: This interactive map allows consumers to see legal filings, decisions, upcoming argument dates, and news regarding the Affordable Care Act in each state. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Health Reform Source Mapping the Effects of the ACA’s Health Insurance Coverage Expansions URL: This map shows how the Affordable Care Act will affect insurance coverage across America. The methodology for creating the map is explained as well. |