I have taken two internships at separate libraries, the ipl2 and Hartwick College. These experiences have been valuable in allowing me the opportunity to participate in real libraries, assist users, and strengthen my skills.
Hartwick College Reference Internship
For several weeks during the Spring and Summer of 2013, I served as a Reference Librarian Intern at Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY. My time was divided between departments with an emphasis on reference work. My duties included staffing the reference desk, creating a LibGuide for a first-year seminar, and providing research assistance for faculty. I also produced a video on using the library's Discovery Service, which is featured in the LibGuide and can be viewed here.
ipl2 Digital Reference Service Internship
From January 2013 to May 2013, I worked as a Digital Reference Service intern, processing incoming reference questions and mentoring Information and Library Science students. I also produced a video aimed at educators and students: Welcome to ipl2 - Information You Can Trust.