Professional Development Activities
Continuing education is an important aspect of information science. It is essential to keep up-to-date in a constantly evolving information landscape.
ipl2 Volunteer
The ipl2 unfortunately ceased operation at the end of June 2015. For the previous two years, I volunteered as a Reference Administrator and Specialist, helping to answer questions from an international community. It was a valuable tool for students and the general public to find information as well as a training resource for new librarians. It relied upon volunteers to maintain the website and participate in the "Ask an IPL2 Librarian" feature.
Hartwick College Stevens-German Library VolunteerI volunteered as a Reference Librarian Intern at the Stevens-German Library at Hartwick College during the summer of 2013. During that time, I assisted with creating research guides for courses and faculty research as well as helping to analyze data and services.
New Librarianship Master Class
Power Searching with Google Course
A recurring course taught by Google staff, this resource helps professional searchers and the general public make better use of Google and find what is needed quickly.